Retro or Vintage?

What is the difference between retro and vintage clothing?

Retro vs Vintage what the difference?

Retro and vintage clothing are two terms that get thrown around a lot, but what’s the difference? Retro and vintage clothing are two terms that are often confused, but there are some important differences between them. 

What is considered retro clothing?

Retro Clothing

At Nash Parker design retro clothing that is inspired by the vintage clothing we also sell. Retro clothing is typically described as clothing that is inspired by a previous era, but is made with modern fabrics and styling.



Vintage Clothing

Vintage clothing, on the other hand, is clothing that is more than 20 years old and is made with printing techniques and materials of that era. Because of the age of these items vintage pieces that are in good condition are highly sought after. That being said even pieces that are well aged have appeal. The wear tells their own unique stories which can make them even more desirable to buyers and collectors.



So whats better retro or vintage clothing?

In conclusion, both types of clothing have their own unique appeal and can be used to bring a unique style to any wardrobe. Whether you choose to go with a vintage piece or a more modern approach, there are plenty of options to choose from. With Nash Parker youll be sure to find something that fits your style and budget. With so many options available, its easy to create a look that youll love and feel comfortable in.

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